Health and recommendation for better health:

First of all, we must understand what is health? According to world health organization (WHO) health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent. But knowing what health is isn’t enough because many of us today suffer from various diseases. Physical fitness can be defined differently in different areas. Some people consider physical fitness as a condition when we are not suffering from any diseases, illness but according to doctor, physical fitness is referred to a condition when all our body systems i.e. respiratory sys, circulation mechanism are working properly. But definition of health is not that it is a broad term.


Today we are going to discuss how we can keep us healthy? 

Here are some ways that will help us to maintain our health:

  • By meditating and doing yoga
  • Eating healthy food
  • By adequate workout or exercising enough.

Today mainly we are going to discuss how we can keep us healthy only physically, in next module we will discuss about mental health which will include topic related to stress, anxiety and many more.

1. Meditation

In different corners of the world, the process of meditation may be different but the purpose is same i.e. to keep us healthy. Meditation can be done in different ways such as while listening any kind of music even without music. Music only helps us to concentrate and those who can concentrate without music can also meditate without music. 

Meditation is a practice to train your mind by inducing a state of consciousness and realising it through rhythmic breathing pattern. Reducing stress is one of the best advantages to regularly meditate is that it helps a lot to cope up with your stress and get over it. In next module we will discuss about few meditation techniques.

2.Healthy diet 

We can’t survive without food, so it is necessary that what we eat must be healthy. Our food must contain certain amounts of carbohydrates, protein, fats and vitamins which are necessary for our body.

3. Workout

In western countries or all over the world, now the meaning of workout has changed, it means building our body, abs etc. this isn’t wrong but people are consuming chemicals, doing drugs for workout which isn’t good for our health. we must understand how we can keep us healthy. Physical workout can be done simply by running, swimming and by doing activities alike. We don’t need to take any kind of medicine drug or chemical to maintain our physical fitness.

In next module we will discuss about mental health, few meditation techniques, few healthy diets and workout exercises. Till then stay safe stay healthy.

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