9 reasons or grounds to starting a blog in 2022

Why you must start a blog ?

Building on my own experience, blogging can open so many doors. Some may come as a surprise, while others do not have to be explained.

1. To inspire the public:

It is a satisfying feeling to be able to inspire a public through writing. It's all the more important to you. And when you receive a positive response, you influence them to a certain extent. As a blogger, in an endless number of ways, you can inspire people. Imagine your words inspiring people to:

  • Change their life for good
  • Make their days productive
  • Create something lovely
  • Helping others

All of this can be achieved by the power of your blog so use is wisely.

2. Enhance your writing skills:

One self-explaining thing is that starting a blog has a major impact on your writing skills.

It could be awful and even a little alien from starting out. But as you enter the swing, you will find it easier. The words flow more effectively and you will develop a unique style.

You'll also get a good idea of what people react to by writing often. This extends your creativity and helps you to learn more about what people like to read. And that turns into a wider audience.

3. Learning new competences:

I did it for fun when I began blogging. I never imagined I'd learn enough to transform writing into my full-time career in a million years.

You can learn so many new competences and skills by blogging. Some I have collected on the way are here:

  • WordPress design design
  • Writing for various groups
  • Best Practices for SEO
  • Web graphics creation
  • Marketing of email
  • Marketing of social media
  • Management of contents
  • Hosting of the website

You can learn not only through the construction and administration of a blog. You also build your knowledge by the content that you write. I have been writing about personal financing for a small business blog for a few years to give you a case in point.

Now it is a subject I know in my work and my personal life in other fields. I can use it.

4. Construct your brand online:

The more you write about a topic, the more authority you are in it along with learning new skills. It helps to build your online brand by becoming an authority in your niche.

You can soon become recognisable in the community by providing value to readers. You're going to be everybody's blogger to. You will know that the effort is worth seeking is your knowledge and advice. Constructing your brand is a springboard to turn your blog more.

5. To tackle your fears:

Blogging, for me, was a useful way that my shell could break away. I found it difficult to get out and allow my thoughts and ideas to be heard as an anxious introvert.

Blogging gave me a scream platform – a way to deal with my fears. And I realised that there are people like me out there.

There are many other ways to deal with your fears by using blogging. It can be used to overcome impostor syndrome and feelings that are not sufficiently good. You may be cathartic and help you work through these emotional issues by writing about a subject you are afraid of.

Many people actually use blogging to help in mental health fighting Many people actually use blogging as a way of helping their mental health struggles. This demonstrates that a blog is not always a carefully planned undertaking. It can be just a place to collect your thoughts sometimes.

6. To generate revenue:

This is most likely the point in which you are most interested. Yes, it is entirely possible to make a living from your blog; in fact, many people do. But, while it is possible, it is not simple.

Those who are successful and make a living as bloggers have been honing their craft for years. During that time, they have been experimenting and testing different things to see what works.

And those years of hustling go hand in hand with long hours of work.

Choosing a profitable niche for your blog is a good place to start. Some are more profitable than others. However, selling your services through your blog necessitates the development of an audience comprised of people who are most likely to hire you. Whatever path you choose, be prepared to put in a lot of time and effort.

7. Meeting new people:

One thing is undeniable: starting a blog exposes you to a large community of new people. There is a vibrant community for every blogging niche.

What's great about this is that it allows you to meet new, like-minded people. Because you share common interests, it will be easier to make friends. And you'll discover that blogging communities aren't only welcoming but also helpful to new bloggers. Then there are the events and meetups that take place in various communities:

  • WordPress enthusiasts can attend one of the many WordCamps that are held around the world.
  • Unsplash organises photography walks and meetups in your area.
  • Craft blog communities hold craft retreats on a regular basis.
  • Meet ups and conferences for parent bloggers are available.

Whatever your niche, you can be certain that there will be a thriving community waiting to welcome you.

8. To keep a record of your life:

Let's take a look back at the beginnings of blogging. A blog was a place where you could write about the events of your daily life. I'm pretty sure I have an old LiveJournal dedicated to it stashed away somewhere.

However, just because it has fallen out of favour in recent years doesn't imply you can't create a blog for that reason.

Blogging as a tool to reflect on your life is a fantastic way to do so. Past successes and failures can both be used to learn from. Having a place to keep track of your memories might help you recognise how far you've come and how much you've learnt.

If you're journaling online, make sure to change your name and personal information. Giving up too much personal information can make you a hacking target.

9. To urge the work of your dreams:

Your dream job can be just that — a dream in the early stages of beginning a blog. However, blogging can be an excellent stepping stone to a profession that will completely revolutionise your working life.

I never saw myself working in content marketing when I first started writing. Nonetheless, the lessons I've gained along the way have combined to make that career a reality.

Who knows, it could lead to even better things from there.

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  1. What are the grounds not to start a blog ?
