How to become energetic whole day? | How to overcome laziness while studying ?

How to overcome laziness while studying ? | How to become energetic ?

Do you ever feel that you need a power nap to start things or while doing work because you are not fully charged? Here are some ways to get more energy or become energetic;

1. Control stress: One of the most common problems now a days is stress. If you ask someone, are you stressed most probably, they are going to answer positively.

How to control stress: Because emotions consume a lot of energy you can just neglect this drain of energy by doing activities as talk to someone you feel comfortable with (it could be anyone your friend, relative etc).

2. Lighten your load: We all have so many things to do in life. We want to do this and that and, in this process, we forget about ourselves. Make a to do list in your life and prioritize it based upon their necessity or need in your life.

3. Exercise: Are you an early morning person or a night owl? Doesn’t matter because exercise is a part of our life. You need to be physically fit. After doing physical activities such as exercise you will sleep sound, because you will get tired also exercises releases hormones like dopamine which helps you to live a happy life. Include running/jogging, walking in your daily routine.

4. Avoid smoking: Smoking cause cancer you must have heard this line before in your life. Smoking cause many health disbenefits like damage of lungs, insomnia (making it harder to fall sleep). It stimulates release of happy hormones as well which may turn into addiction but it can be replaced with exercise cause same amount of dopamine is released during exercise.

5. Sleeping pattern: It may sound odd how sleeping affects our energy, but if you are not sleeping properly, you may feel tired whole day after that. According to studies 7-8 hours of sleep is important for normal people. Make these changes in your sleeping pattern;

  • Avoid napping during the day- because you may feel harder to fall asleep during night
  • If you feel harder to fall sleep consult to a doctor near you before any other action.

How to improve sleeping patterns ?

6. Eat for energy: Eat food in such a way so that you can get optimum amount of energy. Avoid low calories food, junk food. Eat watery fruit, vegetables. Don’t eat too much because it also requires energy to digest food. 

7. Use Caffeine products in your advantage: Having a cup of coffee can help you to become active, sharp your mind. Remember consuming large amount of caffeine can also cause insomnia so don’t take caffeine products in excess.

8. Drink water: Mentioned already that you must add watery fruits in your food. Your body requires water. In short, our body is roughly 60% water. Shortage of water may cause fatigue and you may cause fatigue and you may feel tired. So, the easiest way among all above is to drink water in particular intervals. A sip of water can refresh you.

Conclusion: All these things need to be done after you have consulted to someone who’s specialist in this.

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