
A myth can be anything including any traditional stories or even a story related to some supernatural powers and all . It can also be a widely held but a very false belief of people on something. We are grown in a way that we all have someone like our ancestors and society to tell us what is right and what is wrong and most of us follow what they say .But the most important thing that not all of us understand is that is it possible that everything they hear or say is not true? Or can it be a story made up by some people which is now held by many of us.

A. Myths related to health:

Eating ice cream will make your cold worse: Well many of us can easily relate to it and we have heard it million of times that we should not eat ice cream when we have cold . But who knows the truth behind it. Do you think its true? Well maybe because we have been hearing it since God knows how much time. But some scientific searches have also said that frozen dairy products can soothe your sore throat and can also provide your calories when you cant eat other things. 

B. Chocolate causes acne: Well special hello to our teenage friends . You must have heard it many times right .I have personally heard it many times from my parents , friends, relatives and from many other people. Just like I think that it  totally depends upon the texture of any person’s skin. Even some doctors have said and its also written in many articles that in a research many people were given candy’s and chocolates for 20 days straight but when they counted the zits before and after the diet there was no difference between the two groups. Well what are your views in it? 

C. Drink 8 or more glass of water a day: I bet mostly everyone have heard it a lot right? Well yes its true that we are 70 percent water and water is really important and beneficial for us . But is it good to drink too much of it? Well there are many people who drink just sufficient amount of water whenever they are thirsty and they are completely healthy and have no health problems with it. But some experience extra benefits by drinking more water. Moreover water rich drinks ,fruits, vegetables are enough to fill your water sufficiency.  

Conclusion: Yes, maybe these myths are true or maybe they are some made up stories made by our society. Do you think these beliefs changes with every  person? Or they just works with the one believing them?

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