Disadvantages of television

How does television affect our lives?

addiction to television

No one can deny the advantages of watching television. It can be very careful to people who carefully choose the shows that they watch. Television can increase our knowledge of the outside world by giving us high quality programs that help us understand many fields of study, science, medicine, the arts and so on. Moreover, television benefits very old people, who can’t often leave the house as well as patients in hospitals. It also offers non-native speakers the advantage of daily informal language practice. But its negative effects outnumber its positive effects. It is particularly harmful for children and younger generation. Children have impressionable minds. Bad impressions impressed upon their minds will remain with them throughout their lives. Television viewing adversely affects their physical well-being. They spend most of their time before watching the television and neglect their studies. They develop stooped postures. Television viewing affects their eyes. As they spend most of their time sitting before the television, they do not find time for physical exercise. Lack of exercise makes their bodies and bones weak. Gradually, they lack their alertness.

Recent studies show that after only thirty seconds of television, a person’s brain relaxes the same way that it does just before the person falls asleep. Another effect of television on the human brain is that it seems to cause poor concentration. Children who view a lot of television can often concentrate on a subject for only fifteen to twenty minutes. They can pay attention only for the amount of time between commercials. The most dangerous disadvantage is that television often causes people to become dissatisfied with their own lives. Real life does not seem as exciting to these people as the lives of actors on the screen. To many people, television becomes more real than reality and their own lives seem boring. Also, many people get upset or depressed when they can’t solve problems in real life as quickly as television actors seem to. As a result, their tension and anxiety increase. Some children rum away from schools and fall a prey to antisocial elements. Television viewing and particularly advertisements expose them to lavish, lazy and easy life shown in various serials on T.V. As a result frustration sets in when a child does not find them in his real life. Many youngsters take recourse to drugs and crimes. People often feel a strange and powerful need to watch television even when they don’t enjoy it. Addiction to a television screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction. People almost never believe they are addicted. Watching something to pass your time is alright but when something becomes your addiction then you should know that its time to stop it. 

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