Exploitation of women

Exploitation of women

It has rightly been said that the place where women are honoured is like a paradise. In ancient time women were held in high esteem. But gradually men began to treat them as slaves. They started to treat them as if she is a weaker vessel for him. Women have been considered inferior to men in the male dominated society of this universe. Woman have always been confined to the four walls of the house. I think the main problem is the biological superiority of man that has made him hard hard hearted towards her. She was treated as and object of gratifying a man’s physical desires, he misuses them physically, socially, economically and even politically. She has been called by a number of beautiful names such as devi, better half and many more in many books, biographies but all these names are mere sugar-coated words. Woman has suffered a lot because of the whims and prejudices of man towards her. At the same time, she has been called the better half of man. She has certainly been the victim of discrimination on the basis of sex. It was started as a saying that a man is considered a real man if he can dominate a woman. 

However, the scenario is changing fast. In the modern world women are competing with men in all the walks of life. The constitution of different countries protects women’s rights by granting her equal status with men. They are getting proper education and are more aware of their rights. They have proved to be better doctors, administrators, academicians than many of their counterparts. They have occupied the position of the Prime minister, and the President of many countries. But despite this, she still stands at the lower rung of the ladder in the country. Some laws have also been passed for welfare of women. But mere laws cannot do anything. Women should always remain watchful about their rights. Then, and only then they can outshine men and regain their honorable place.

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