Natural medicine

Natural medicine

Use of medicines in our daily life:-

We all know that medicines play a vital role in our daily life. We use them almost every month whenever we feel like we are suffering from fever, headache, cramps or even more dangerous diseases. Some people are even addicted or habitual to take medicines even for a single scratch on their skin or body. But the thing they don’t know is what is medicine made of? Some people even consume medicines daily without even knowing the side effects of it. 

Use of chemical made medicines: - 

Yes, medicines are important for every person who is dealing with some serious mental and health issues. We can’t deny the fact that these medicines help us to recover fast and to handle our body issues. The thing we don’t pay attention to is that we don’t even know the things it is made up of. The names of the chemicals written on the ingredients are even hard to pronounce and it’s proven that these medicines have side effects if taken more than advised by your doctor or even if you consume them a little, they still have some side effects on our body. Every medicine we consume even the medicines we apply on our skin is mixing with our blood and of course that amount of chemicals getting mixed up with our blood is good for no one. This is worse for the people who are habitual of consuming these medicines even for some slightest things that can be cured with some precautions or some natural medicines and herbs.

Natural medicines

Replacing chemicals with herbs :-

Herbs are being used since the formation and evolution of human beings. We can never deny that there was no use of these type of chemicals in ancient times. Yes, there was no technical development in those days but still the life span of people was more as compared to the life of people these days. There are still people who have the knowledge of Ayurveda, herbs and natural medicines and they use it to avoid any side effects caused by the use of certain chemicals.

Advantages of using natural medicines 

We can never disagree to the fact that natural medicines have no side effects on our body and mind. They are all safe to use. One more advantage of using these medicines is that these are cost effective and you can easily find some of them in your home. You can even ask your elders or grandparents to teach you their use and advantages. The herbs that we have in our house like aloe Vera, turmeric, carom seeds etc. are very effective and profitable for your health. The most important advice is to not use any type of medicines for your own satisfaction or out of your habit. You should only consume them when needed and you can try to consume natural medicines that can help you build your immune system and your health.

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