Negative thoughts

Its a no big shock that this generation is mostly depressed due to certain reasons. Negative thinking is a thing that you can easily get addicted to. Its normal for any human being to think about both aspects of our life i.e., negative and positive but things go out of hand when we start to think about the negative things that we also know are not true, when we start to create fake, delusional scenarios in our mind related to any part of our life. These scenarios can make us super happy if they are playing in our mind as we want them to but, if they are bringing us pain, regret, or any sort of negative feelings then we are just making our mind a place like hell. 

Effects of negative thinking

(i) Its very easy for anyone to just create fake scenes or thoughts in our mind but, the thing we don’t know is that it plays a important role in our mental health. Just like every memory is stored in our brain these thoughts that we regularly play in our mind also makes a place in our brain and then slowly takes place of a memory. 

(ii) A very famous quote says “what you focus on expands”. You must have noticed that sometimes you just wake up with a bad dream or something bad happens early in the morning then we keep saying “ahh!  What a bad day. When we focus on how our day has been ruined then the probability of our mood to change increase and we start to think about in how many more ways our day can be ruined. 


1. The best way to control any fear is to face it. You have to get to the root cause of your fear. Why are you thinking about it? What make you feel unworthy? Why are you thinking these things when you have a lot to be grateful of?  When you have answer to all these questions you will eventually come to know that why have you started thinking this way or feeling this way. 

2. Its scientifically proven that every positive or happy thought is much more powerful than any negative thoughts. As you read what we focus on expands so, if you focus on the things, you have and be grateful for them instead of thinking all the things that you don’t have you will eventually gain the things that are in your desire list. 

3. You can make a habit. Its a very simple and effective way to take your mind off the things that gives you pain or regret. Once you make yourself busy and focus on improving yourself rather than thinking about the things you were not able to accomplish, you will start feeling worthy, happy, tension free and complete. 

               “The most beautiful thing about life is that you cannot watch any part of it again. That’s why its precious so try to feel grateful for it and create more than regret.”

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  1. It's amazing I was just lost now I know what should I do. Thanks a lot. Your article helped me out :)
