Questions generally asked by bloggers: Such as related to domain, hosting and unique content.

Ques: If we have no domain and hosting in the blog then will it affect your earning ?

Yes, you can earn money without having to pay for a domain or site hosting. However, you must be an expert at identifying niches and monetizing your site using suitable monetization tactics.

Bloggers that make money with Google AdSense using a free Blogspot blog exist. If your blogging theme is something like Quotes or Messages, you can certainly do so and generate a lot of visitors. This will enable you to earn money.

But keep in mind that you will never be able to make a lot of money this way. Blogspot could be a wonderful place to start and learn if you're just getting started. You will, however, never be able to expand your blog, brand, or audience.

People are more likely to trust a brand or an influencer. If you're serious about it, you'll need to build a WordPress blog with your own domain name. So that you can progressively share your knowledge and abilities, attracting people to you. Assist others while expanding your audience. You'll make a lot of money and gain a lot of renown in the long run.

Ques: What is Special content for blogging ?

If you were to go skydiving and stake your life on a folded-up pile of nylon, you'd run through a checklist to make sure everything is in working order.

If you don't want your blog content to crash and burn when it hits the internet, use the same technique. The following are eight essential components to add in your blog posts:

1. Attractive headline:

If you've ever met with investors and given an elevator pitch—a brief two-minute presentation on your company—you know that the goal isn't to secure funding right away, but to provide enough information to pique their interest. A blog headline is the same way. It must give some sense of the topic of your post.

Make the prospect want to read your opening paragraph at the very least. To put it another way, it must be magnetic—it must draw people in.

Adding emotional words to the title can sometimes give it the extra oomph it needs. In other circumstances, the information you're providing will be enough of an attraction on its own. Even if your content is excellent, add a word or two to your headline to catch readers' attention and make it stand out. Emotions motivate people to take action.

2. A captivating lead:

Blogs unique idea

I'd like to be clear about how I'm using the word "captivating" in this context. A lead in news reporting should summarise the most important aspects of the storey. In a blog, though, this isn't always the case. Your blog's initial sentence or short paragraph should entice visitors to read the second paragraph—you want to hook them in. Make sure there's enough build-up so that readers desire to learn more about the material you're delivering and enjoy it once they comprehend your thoughts.

3. Subheadings that are useful:

Subheads have three functions:

  • They do this to make the page more visually appealing by breaking up the type.
  • They make it easier for your reader to get to the relevant parts of your document.T
  • They improve your search engine ranking (SEO).

Subheadings for blog

Disclaimer: In regards to my third point, we used to insist on including keywords in one or more subheads, but this no longer seems to be a priority. I'll go over this in more detail in the next section when we talk about keywords, but employing descriptive language in subheads to capture your important "ideas" will almost certainly assist your SEO.

The first two points are crucial at all times. Many potential readers will be turned off by a long page of continuous type. In the part on graphics, we'll go over this again. Also, readers may want to go back and review a point after reading your post; subheads should make this easier.

4. A body that is both informative and engaging:

The body of your blog post is the "meat and potatoes." It can be about anything, from new, insightful observations that will transform your reader's life or business to an amusing anecdote about something that happened to you on your way to work yesterday. You should write one type of post if you're attempting to establish your authority, and another type of post if you're trying to form a personal relationship with your prospects. "What is your aim for today?" is the query. 

As I previously stated, the old guideline was that you needed to include a suitable number of keywords in the body of your post; but, recent experience and research has proven that keyword usage and density are no longer as crucial to Google. Google's algorithm is now intelligent enough to recognise what you're writing about and appropriately index your articles for searches. As a result, if you describe your topic well enough, Google will comprehend; you won't need to stuff it with artificial keywords.

5. Graphics that are appealing:

To make your sites more aesthetically appealing, incorporate visuals in your blog posts to demonstrate ideas and break up material inside the body of articles. Because Google tracks how long visitors spend on your pages, your visuals, typography, and colour scheme should all work together to encourage them to stay. You should also incorporate a visually appealing image when promoting your material on social media.

6. A strong call to action:

Almost every blog post should have a call-to-action, which can take a variety of shapes and be implemented in a variety of ways. Decide what action you want your visitors to do as the first step. It could be to make a remark. It could be to read another blog on your website or to learn more about a product or service you provide. Offering special content in exchange for an email address is another way to obtain a prospect's contact information.

7. Internal link that is relevant:

Do you enjoy getting free advertising? Isn't it true that we all do? This is one of the reasons why every new article you publish should include links to other articles on your site. Would a real estate salesperson only show a prospect one room of a house? Of course not, and keep in mind that one of your primary objectives is to attract them to stay on your website.

Furthermore, internal links have traditionally been thought to be beneficial to SEO. They boost SEO, in my opinion, because they enhance the number of pages per visit and the amount of time people spend on your site. I don't believe that the sheer presence of a relationship is really significant; What matters is that visitors see the link as relevant to their visit, click on it, and stay on the resulting page for a while.

8. Well-written meta description:

The meta description is a snippet that appears in Google's search results. Google will extract the opening line or two from your article if left to its own devices. However, this isn't always the ideal strategy to get your post to show up in search results.

All of my prior arguments dealt with what visitors see on a website; however, this one is unique. HTML code is used for the meta description. If you have a WordPress site, a plugin like Yoast allows you to write your meta description independently and fine-tune it.

In next session we will discuss about seo optimization, how to rank faster, keyword research tools and many more..

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