6 habits that will change your brain into learning machine | 6 habits for healthy lifestyle


“It is well said that formal education will get you a living but self-education will get you a fortune.”

1. Select your digital feed: Select your digital feed wisely because its responsible for your future. Social media is a great invention of human revolution but it plays a vital role in predicting your career too. If you are using social media to just relax your mind then it can become a habit and habits can turn into addiction and addiction of anything isn’t good for your future, career and everything.

    So before investing your time in social media platforms be aware of it because if it’s not beneficial then for sure its damaging.

    You can watch rubbish things on the other hand you can fill your mind with positive affirmations. There are so many videos, articles on platforms like YouTube, Instagram blogging platforms like WordPress, Medium, Quora etc. Now its on you what type of content you consume, because it well said that you become what you consume. 

Social media has advantages as well as disadvantages. Such as if you are watching viral videos and watching serials then you are just wasting your time. According to research a normal person spends almost 1–2-hour social media as an average. If we calculate it then it is approximately 547.5 hours/year.

And if you are spending same time on learning something that is useful then social media can work as greatest advantage ever.

Advise: From today even from now change your feed or update your feed and if you have already done it before then give it a cheer for yourself.

2. Priorities your self-education:  Since most of the readers are Indian and our education system isn’t that effective, we all know it very well. Because we are taught so many things that are not even applicable.

If you don’t agree then here’s a question for you; where are you going to use alpha, beta and gamma? 

Rather than that you could study more logical things for example global warming and how to maintain or reduce it? These are few examples we are not aware of. If you want to be remembered in future then you have to do something extra ordinary and for that you need good education. If you are not given proper education then self-education plays important role. You can educate yourself on your own and can become the change people want to see.

Our education system encourages crammers not excellence. Because we give respect to those who obtain 99 out of 100 and the brains with ideas are dumped and it is also responsible for the problem of Brain Drain.

According to Albert Einstein. “Education is word remain after one has forgotten what one learned in school.”

Advise: “Self-education is the key to success” and few examples of self-education people is Elon Musk. He is the richest person in world right now (March 2022). His net worth is approximately $304.5 billion according to the Bloomberg billionaire index.

I am not saying formal education isn’t important. If you want to become a doctor, engineer, lawyer you must have basic knowledge but formal education along with self-education can bring tremendous results.

3. 1 hour of hustle is more valuable than 1 hour of scrolling: Here as I mentioned earlier, we spend a lot of time on social media, watching T.V. web series and so many things. You can invest that same time in learning something. I am not saying become a robot and do continuous work. Even machines require/need time to cool down. 

    Rather than spending time on activities such as T.V. social media, web series go for a walk, running/jogging, play outdoor games. Because it is more useful for body as well as mind. Talk to people face-to-face rather than chatting it will improve your communication skills and we all know very well how valuable communication skills are to become successful in life.

Do you really need 4-6 hours of time to relax your mind? Think about it and answer in comments section.

You can read books for 1 hour, can go for a walk, can do physical exercises. According to famous author Earl Nightingale you can become topper of your field in 3 years, can become recognized person in 5 years and can become worldwide famous in 7 years for your knowledge just by reading/learning 1 hour daily about that particular topic. Now choice is yours.

4. Stop judging and start learning: You may ask how to start learning and from whom we should learn? Then my dear friends you can learn from everyone on this planet. He/she could be a monk, business man/woman, entrepreneur, thief and it could be an animal or bird too.

Have you ever seen herons how they hunt for food? They are totally focused and don’t move at all until they got their meal/food. Everything around you can teach you something its another thing that we are not aware of it.

For example, the word fail we can see it as just a word which means failure or we can see it as first attempt in learning. It’s all about perspective and our way to see the things around us.

Have you ever thought why we are not able to focus on things? The reason is our closed mindset. We become judgemental, we think we can’t learn from an unsuccessful people, we think we should follow successful people to become successful but my dear friend successful people were also failure sometime, they also started from level zero once in their life.

Don’t become judgemental so early, because you are no-one to judge someone. Replace judgement with curiosity. 

5. Learn and grow: Do you know our brain works on use and destroy principle. Yes, when we were born there were 100 billion plus neurons in our brain that’s why we can learn easily when we were kids. As we grow up our brain starts removing or destroying unnecessary neurons which are of no use.

On the other hand, we can use those neurons to become most intelligent people in world. Most of the people are unaware of this. According to research most of the billionaire people read an average of 20-24 books in a year. They spend most of their time in learning and that’s why they remain always young. It is said that age is just a number. If we never stop learning we can never become old or in other words we can remain always young. 

You can use dead time in reading books, books related to your syllabus, novels, stories and so many because you can learn from anything.

  • Best time to read books is before going to sleep.
  • Set a reminder in your mobile phone so that it can become a habit. 

6. Focus on neglected topics: Somewhere and somehow, we all neglect things around us, because we cover ourselves with a bubble of comfort; we don’t want to leave that bubble because we comfortable inside that.

  1. If you want to grow and want to become successful then leave that bubble or comfort zone.
  2. Spend your time in things you neglected before because you can also get good results from them too.
  3. Stop judging and start trying new things.
  4. Stop believing that you can’t do it because you never tried it before.

That’s it for today. If you find it useful read more related articles

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