How to crack UPSC?

UPSC- Union Public Service Commission

Before we discuss how to crack UPSC first of all I want to ask a question, why do you want to be an IAS/IPS officer? Ask yourself and tell me in the comment section. 

If your answers are similar to these:

1. I want to crack UPSC because my parents want me to become an IAS/IPS officer

2. I want to become an IAS/IPS officer to make my parents proud.

3. I want to become an IAS/IPS officer to make my friends/relatives jealous.

4. I want to become an IAS/IPS officer because your so-called crush rejected your proposal.

Then my dear friend stop wasting time and invest your time in more important things. UPSC isn’t for those who have these kinds of problems. It’s a government job where you have to serve people, where you have to make changes for good so that people can live peacefully. What is that one thing that you can do after becoming a group ‘A’ officer. Do you want to serve your country? You can become a farmer because he/she is also serving country more than any other profession because without food we can’t survive. You can serve country by becoming a doctor, engineer, teacher and there are so many options. 

You must have a reason to become an IAS/IPS. 

Ques: Are you compatible?
“What is now proved was once only imagined.” -William Blake
So many people come up with doubt that are they even compatible for civil services? Because they are from science background, or they are financially poor due to which they can’t take coaching classes. But once you are determined then nobody can stop you from achieving your goal. Once you have that one reason why you want to be a civil servant than you can achieve that goal.

Ques: What are the qualities you need in this journey?
  • First of all, get in touch with your 4 P’s i.e., passion, personality, preferences and principles.
  • Next thing, you need to learn more about the work you are considering with an emphasis on the “day-to-day” experience of “doing the job.”
  • For example, if you want to become a doctor, the ultimate impact might be the life of people you are going to save in your career.
Look for aspirations around you.

Ques: What qualities are expected from a civil servant?
1. Leadership- Since you are going to become a civil servant your first duty is to serve people. Many times, you have to lead the whole community. Therefore, you should have leadership qualities.

2. Administration- It simply means the process or activity of running a business or organization, etc. Administration is defined as the act of managing duties, responsibilities, or rules. An example of administration is the act of the principal in the school managing the faculty and staff and employing the rules of the school system.

3. Decisive in approach- means the ability to make quick decisions in a difficult or complicated situation.
4. Knowledge/Information- facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. You should be aware of these things because indirectly it is going to help you make decisions quickly.

5. Hard working & committed- The ability of constantly, regularly, or habitually engaged in work. Having commitment towards your work is one of the most important qualities.

6. Ethics- In simplest form, ethics means a system of moral principles. They affect how people make decisions and lead their life and work.

7. Good communication skills- If you have an idea and you don’t know how to convey it properly isn’t a good example of good communication skill. You should know how to convey message properly because you have to deal with people and if don’t have good communication skills then you can turn a good situation into bad one.

8. Out of the box thinking- It simply means to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective.

That’s it for today. We will discuss about few more things in next session till than stay tuned keep smiling or learn something new daily.

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