How to make money as a student ?

Make money

After completing class 12th in India most of the students want to make money, want to be self-independent and there is nothing wrong in it. During our school time we are advised not to think about money. We are advised only to study hard, get a good job that’s it. But getting a job in country like India isn’t that easy. Is it?

When you complete your school or say college then you are advised or pushed to fight competition. The final goal is to earn money. And if you are thinking about making money at your young age its good even you are more wise than other people of your age group.

If you are a boy than its very important for you because when it comes to girls there is no compulsion to work or earn. They have a choice if they want to work or not but in case of boys we don’t have any other option. It another thing that we can do whatever we want can open a tea stall etc. these things are not easy for female.

Ultimate goal of life is to earn money:

I’m not saying money is everything but it is something. Our level of happiness somehow depends on money; our life style depends on money. If you don’t have money you can’t pay your electricity bills, you cant pay for food even if you want to plant a tree to feed yourself it also requires some amount of money.

There is nothing wrong to talk about money with your parents openly. It is not a taboo in India. To think about money, money management isn’t wrong. Even parents should help their children to develop money management skills. If you are a parent and protecting your child from financial management you are not helping him/her. They will lack the ability to take responsibilities in future.  

“Money gives you freedom”

Skills vs Degree

In India when we ask teenagers what do they want to become in their life most of the time answer is to be a Doctor, or an engineer or to do civil services. There are very few cases where students want to follow their passion. They are not allowed to follow their passion only because what people/relatives will think about them. They don’t even know what they want to become? Only because of family pressure. 

When they are asked why do they want to become this or that? The answer is they don’t know. They want to become Engineer because after doing B. tech you can get a good package.  They want to become doctor only because of good salary. There are very few exceptions who really want to do such kind of jobs and there exceptions are living their life happily, stress free.

The main cause of this problem is rat-race or herd mentality young students just follow the crowd blindly without knowing their own interests.

Always remember “Degree without skills is useless, skills without mindset is useless and the mindset without plans and actions is useless”

Degree is just a piece of paper if you don’t have skills to perform in a specific field. You will be fired if you have a degree from well recognised institute and you don’t even know the basics on the other hand if you have good effective skills then anyone can hire you without asking for degrees. 

Start small but start now:

In India most of the people are doing nothing they are just wasting their time doing nothing. They have someone in their family who manages all their financial problems and rest of the family members are just relying on them. Do you know what the problem is? 

People imagine a concept of dream job; they want only that particular job if they don’t get that they want nothing else in their life. To be honest there is nothing like dream job or anything like that. You have to work and when you do something you get something in return it could be anything for example it could be money, blessings and you can utilise that money on yourself. That’s what a job does. Do you agree with it? If don’t comment down below supporting your opinion. 

Start something small but start now it means do little things but at least do something don’t just rely on someone. You can do affiliate marketing, digital marketing these are some skills-based job ideas through which you can make money and can become self-independent. You can also pursue it as a career as well if everything goes well according to your situation.

-From where you can learn these skills? You can watch classes on platform like YouTube where everything is free; rather than watching time pass videos utilise your time in something useful or learning new skills.

-I am not saying learn only these two skills you can learn any skills in which you are not good or not giving your 100%.

-Maybe you don’t have effective communication skills you can learn it from there.

There are so many excuses this or that you can’t manage or so and so, but its all about priorities my friend once you are determined no-one can stop you.

Network with entrepreneurial mindset:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.- Jim Rohn” 

You are always advised not to interact with strangers because they are strangers. You may fall in a bad company

-But in reality your best friend was once a stranger

-You are going to do a job in future all your staff members are going to be strangers

-If you will marry someone in future you are going to marry someone who you don’t know at least right now!

Everything is going to happen along with strangers you don’t know each and every single person on this planet.

When it comes it learning you can learn amazing things from strangers you can ask them for their experience, you only need to listen them calmly that’s it. 

Level Up: Talk to someone who has more life experience than you. If you are studying in class 10th right now talk to your seniors of class 12th. If you want to become a sportsman ask someone having much experience than you. If will give you a clear vision/direction/path.

Conclusion: Lets summarise everything in short, 

-level up

-built your skills

-network with entrepreneurial mindset

-start small but start now

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