In Himachal Pradesh, laptop distribution has started in Chamba district under Srinivasa Ramanujan Vidyarthi Digital Yojana. Soon laptop distribution will start in the rest of the districts of Himachal Pradesh. Read full article
Under the Srinivasa Ramanujan Vidyarthi Digital Yojana, a laptop distribution function was organized for the meritorious students who got a place in the merit list of Himachal Pradesh University examinations at Degree College Chamba on Thursday. Honorable MLA Chamba Pawan Nayyar attended the function as the chief guest.
During this, MLA Pawan Nayyar distributed laptops to 29 meritorious students. MLA Pawan Nayar congratulated the students (the laptop winners).
This scheme is an ambitious scheme of the state government as it inspires thousands of students and every year it also helps thousands of students who are from middle class families and cannot afford modern technical equipments.
Due to this scheme, about 10 thousand students of schools and colleges are getting benefited from all over Himachal Pradesh every year. 90 students of different colleges of Chamba district will be benefited from this scheme.
Earlier, the Principal of the college, Dr. Shiv Dayal, welcomed MLA Pawan Nayyar with a bouquet and also performed a ceremony of honoring him by wearing a shawl and cap (it's a tradition in Himachal Pradesh).
Assistant Professor of the college Avinash said that laptops have been distributed to the meritorious students of batches of 2018-19 and 2019-20 during the function.
Laptop winners include Apoorva Pandey, Laghvi Sharma, Monica Rana, Shalu, Nisha, Abdul Haider, Yasin Mohammad, Nek Ram, Kirti Devi, Pankaj Thakur, Tarun Sharma, Abhinav, Abhinav Chauna and Devesh of 2019-20 batch.
From 2018-19 batch Nagpal, Shikha Mahajan, Rakhi Devi, Vandana Devi, Kajal Tankar, Kumari Saraswati, Pushpa Raj, Nisha Thakur, Chhindu, Manish Kumari, Mohd Hashim, Kajal Kumari, Piyush, Pallavi, Diksha Ranhotra and Elish Hitaishi were involved.
Check it out: Images from laptop distribution ceremony Distt Chamba (Himachal Pradesh)
Here's how you can check your name in the list meritorious students:
Step 1: Click on the link below 👇🏻
🔴 Click here
Step 2: Scroll down and select the district you belong to.
Step 3: Also select the respective sessions and then click on download
Step 4: You can download merit list either in pdf form or its also available in excel sheet.
Q. What should you do if your name isn't listed in the laptop merit list Himachal Pradesh?
Ans: If your name is not listed and you have marks above cut off, it means you are eligible for mentioned scholarship. In that case you can contact your respective institute/school/college or university.
Q. What is the minimum cut off for getting laptop under Srinivas Ramanujan Vidhyarti Digital Yojana?
For session 2018-19
-Class 10th- 613 marks out of 700
-Class 12th:
- Arts- 394 marks out of 500
- Science: 444 marks out of 500
- Commerce: 417 marks out of 500
For session 2019-20
-Class 10th- 617 marks out of 700
- Arts- 417 marks out of 500
- Science- 451 marks out of 500
- Commerce- 426 marks out of 500
Q. HP board laptop list 2022
Ans: Here is how you can download the HP Board 2022 laptop Merit List. follow these steps
Q. When laptops will be distributed in Himachal Pradesh 2022?
Ans: In Himachal Pradesh, laptop distribution has started in Chamba district on Thursday 26 May, 2022. Soon laptops will be distributed across the state.
School waalo ko kb milenge?
ReplyDeleteWill be distributed on 8th June, 2022
DeleteWhen will laptops distribute in Shimla?
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting. It will be distributed on 8th June, 2022
DeleteHamirpur ma kab sa honga distribute
ReplyDelete8 June, 2022
DeleteHamirpur district mei bhi 8 ko hi milenge
DeleteThanks for commenting and visiting our website. Laptops will be distributed on 8 June, 2022 all over state
ReplyDeleteSir centre kese pta chlega ki kidr milne h laptop.. ?
DeleteSir form deputy director office me kn tak submit krwana hai
ReplyDeleteCollage ki kya cut of hai solan district mein session 2018 19
ReplyDeletecan you get laptop after 8 june?
ReplyDeleteLaptop kangra m 2018-2019 batch ko kb milega
ReplyDelete2021 batch passout BA students ko kb tk milege
ReplyDeleteWhen 2021 students get the laptop