World No Tobacco Day 2022 | Anti Tobacco Day 2022 Quotes, wishes, messages, slogans, paintings, Importance, theme 2022

World no Tobacco day posters, world no Tobacco day 2022, anti tobacco day 2022

May 31 is observed as World No Tobacco Day and Anti Tobacco Day.

🔴Click here for wishes, messages, quotes, painting, slogans, essay on anti-tobacco day, posters for anti-tobacco day 2022

Table of content:

1. World no tobacco day 2022

2. This year theme campaign is to protect the environment.

3. Why tobacco is threat to our environment?

4. Tobacco is seen as a cash crop

5. Points you need to remember

6. Problems due to tobacco in India

World no tobacco day 2022

Introduction: Every year world no tobacco day is celebrated/observed on 31 May. Its also called as anti-tobacco day.

Theme for anti-tobacco day 2021 was - “Commit to quit”.

Theme for anti-tobacco day 2022 or theme for world no tobacco day 2022 is - “Tobacco: Threat to our environment”.

As we all know very well that tobacco is dangerous for our health. It kills more than 7 million people every year. Today we are going to discuss how tobacco is dangerous for our environment.

This year theme campaign is to protect the environment.

-The campaign is aimed to raise awareness among the public on the environmental impacts of tobacco.

-This year campaign is to expose tobacco industries effort to “greenwash” its reputation and products by marketing themselves as environmentally friendly.

Why tobacco is threat to our environment?

-Around 3.5 million hectares of land are destroyed for tobacco growing each year. 

“Growing tobacco contributes to global warming”.

-Deforestation from tobacco plantations promotes soil degradation.

-This further leads to “failing yields” or the capacity of any other crops or vegetation.

-The environmental impacts of growing and consuming tobacco add huge burden and contributes to degradation of our planet on the fragile ecosystem.

-Tobacco is especially dangerous for developing countries, as that’s where most of the tobacco production happens (90% approximately)

“Tobacco is seen as a cash crop”

Short term gain but long-term pain/loss. 

Long-term losses of tobacco: In long term tobacco growth causes decreased fertility of the soil and slowly decreases the yields of other crops, this adds to food insecurity, frequent sustained farmers debt, poverty among farm workers and finally farmers’ suicide.

Reducing tobacco growing and consumption have been identified as a key lever for achieving all of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Points you need to remember:

• First time World no tobacco day was celebrated - April 7, 1988

• In 2003, World health Organization (WHO) Member States unanimously adopted the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHOFCTC)

• Global Tobacco Industry is responsible for 8.76 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent emission.

• For every 400-600 cigarettes produced one tree is sacrificed.

Tobacco uses in India 

-India is the 2nd largest producer, 2nd largest consumer & 2nd largest exporter of tobacco in the world.

-There are approximately 4-5 crore people engaged in tobacco cultivation and industries.

Problems due to tobacco in India :

-India faces a dual burden of tobacco use in the form of smoking and smokeless tobacco (i.e., tobacco chewing)

-Approximately 28 crore people consume tobacco in India

-Every year approximately 9.3 lakh die due to smoking, 3.5 lakh by smokeless tobacco and total of 12.8 lakh deaths per year.

Conclusion: There is no such thing as an environmentally neutral/safe tobacco industry. Tobacco industries not only destroys human but our planet as well.


Anti Tobacco Day wishes, messages, quotes, painting, slogans, essay on anti-tobacco day, posters for anti-tobacco day 2022

World No Tobacco Day 2022: Quotes

1. "If you substitute marijuana for tobacco and alcohol, you'll add eight to 24 years to your life." - Jack Herer

2. "Tobacco smoke contains chemicals that weaken the body's immune system, making it more susceptible to disease and handicapping its ability to destroy cancer cells." - Michael Greger

3. "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." - Brooke Shields

4. "The best time to stop smoking is when the cigarette arrives at the filter." - Unknown

5. "Smoking is like cutting onions…it affects you and the people beside you." - Unknown

6. "Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs." - King James

7. "Those who use tobacco, tea and coffee should lay these idols aside, and put their cost into the treasury of the Lord." - Ellen G. White

8. "I don't know how it started but someone must have noticed I was always chewing tobacco or smoking a pipe." - Hank Sauer

9. "The tobacco companies knew quite early on the addictive nature of their product." - Neil Cavuto

World No Tobacco Day 2021: Wishes and Messages

1. Smoking gives you the pleasure of a moment but kills you in the process. Warm wishes on World No Tobacco Day!

2. Let us make sure that tobacco is not able to take any more lives by making this world free from it. Warm wishes on World No Tobacco Day!

3. What we need to burn on daily basis are calories and not tobacco. Stay healthy and happy with no tobacco. Happy World No Tobacco Day to all!

4. Tobacco is a terrorist that makes you hollow day by day and then end your life. We wish you a healthy Anti-Tobacco Day!

5. Smoke and tobacco are never solutions to stress and tension…. Rather these two are the biggest tensions on which you must work by throwing them out of your life. Warm wishes on World No Tobacco Day!

6. The journey of thousand miles starts with a single step….. take the first step to your goal by saying no to tobacco.

7. Tobacco kills more people than any other addiction and it’s time we educate people young and old people alike to stay away from tobacco. Happy World No Tobacco Day!

8. Spread the word against tobacco and raise awareness. Have an awareful World No Tobacco Day!

9. Habits can have a significant impact over one's life, choose wisely. Say no to tobacco.

10. Life is too precious to smoke tobacco and therefore, we must save ourselves from it. Warm wishes on World No Tobacco Day!

11. Tobacco kills more people than any other addiction and it’s time we educate people young and old people alike to stay away from tobacco. Happy World No Tobacco Day!

12. Invest your time and money on things which keep you happy, healthy and alive. Tobacco is made to kill you, stay away from it.

13. Tobacco is a slow poison which kills us and kills our loved ones gradually every day…. Let us save the lives of our loved ones from this poison which is ruining our lives and murdering our happiness and health…. Say no to tobacco.

14. The one certain way to save many lives every year is by saving them from tobacco. Wishing World No Tobacco Day 2021!

15. Spread love and not smoke. Quit tobacco and not life. On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, let us make everyone aware of the harmful effects of tobacco.

16. Warm greetings on World No Tobacco Day. Say no to tobacco and yes to life to celebrate this day with high spirits.

17. With time you will realize that you are getting sick of tobacco….. make sure that this realization comes to you before it is too late.

18. Your family and friends need you. Save their lives and save yours. Happy World No Tobacco Day!

World No Tobacco Day 2021: Slogans

1. We need to burn calories daily, not tobacco.

2. Replace your cigarettes with a glaass of juice daily.

3. Smoking takes life…. Cut it out from your life!

4. Cancer Is No Joke, So Put Down That Smoke.

5. Cigarettes Burn Holes In Your Pocket.

6. Smoking thrills, but it also kills.

7. Tar the roads, not your lungs.

8. Smoking reduces your weight.

9. Smoking will be a crime in time

10. If you love your family then say no to smoking and tobacco.

11. Either smoke can stay in your life or good health…. Choose what you want.

12. Don’t Be A Wacko Stop Tobacco!

13. Sometimes quitters do win.

14. are burning your life flower.

15. Be Smart, Don’t Start.

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