Teenage is that time of our life in which we are most vulnerable, most creative and also most emotional. It's very hard for our parents and our elders even though we can't even understand ourselves in this period of our life. Teenagers of this generation are facing many problems that was negligible in the old times. We are not only developing technology and creativeness, but we are also increasing stress, anxiety and social issues.
A. Lack of communication skills
The prevalence of digital communication has changed the way of communication and the way teenagers interact with one another. By using excessive social media, we have developed many bad habits like lack of communication skills, bad sleeping habits, lack of social life and much more. Teenagers face lack of communication skills due to many reasons like social media, they are being used to talk in small texts and voice messages that when its time to interact with a person face to face they lack the skills to communicate with one another.
Drugs have become a way to escape many problems for teenagers. It’s the nature of human being that sometimes when it becomes hard to deal with some situations then we try to forget it or to escape the situation by doing things which can help us in doing so, like by taking drugs, drinking alcohol, cigarettes etc. These things mess with their body along with their brain to deal with the problems going on in their life. Little do they know that by doing so they are attracting more and more problems in their life. Many teenagers take it very lightly and when they see other people doing these things then they try to do the same. It can be due to any reason maybe they try it out of curiosity or maybe they feel depressed or have stress which leads to our other point.
C. Victim of stress and anxiety
Of course, teenage is the time period where we are at our high level pf creativity but as the rule of life there are always thorns with the rose petals, which means there are many bad truths, problems that many teenagers have to face. We are living in a generation where everybody is getting judged by how they looks, how they talk, how they laugh, how they eat and many more things. It is very annoying and frustrating that how people can't respect and accept any person by how they are. Thus, many teenagers have to face bullying, insecurities, shame and many more disgusting things. They feel insecure in their own body and skin. Some people don’t like themselves because of how badly they are being judged by other people. That is why they develop anxiety, stress, and they feel depressed , they feel sad not because they hate themselves but because other people have made them hate themselves by continuously judging them, and by treating them as some showcases which need to be in a perfect shape, perfect materials and looks
But when you take a step in the journey of loving yourself and accepting yourself the world will become a beautiful place to you and you will become greater than your environment regardless of how other people treat you.