Lifestyle changes for better health

Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, social wellbeing and spiritual view.


Now a day’s problems related to health are increasing day by day. Recently corona virus came to known in whole world and it had a great impact on health of people around the world. Many people suffered from illness physically and other suffered from stress mental pressure because recently all the manufacturing units dealt with a great loss. Large amount of money was spent to manufacture vaccine health kits, medicines and all the equipment’s required to stop the spread of virus.

During this period of time people became self-conscious regarding heath because health is a major part of everyone’s life. It is well said if wealth is lost nothing is lost but if health is lost everything is lost. But you aren’t here to read all these things you are here for few tips and ideas how health can be improved by doing some changes in lifestyle. Here's the list of things you can do in your home for better health recommendation.

1. Include physical activities in your daily routine:

Physical activities such as exercising daily. Physical activities help a lot to remove toxicity from your daily life keeping yourself busy in such activities helps a lot in improving health problems. There are many different activities to perform inside or outside house depends on condition where do you prefer. Activities like meditation can be done inside house.

Working out

2. Nourishing your body: 

Nourishment means to sustain with food or nutriment supply which is necessary for life, health and body. You can do is simply by eating fresh vegetables, fruits avoiding consumption of alcohol, nicotine etc. for those who have drinking habits must stop consuming alcohol a day in a week because alcohol has very bad impact on our body when it comes to long term life.

3. Take proper sleep

Proper or adequate sleep i.e., 7-9 hours is necessary for healthy state of mind. If you are unable to sleep in your daily routine then add physical activities in your daily routine such as walking, running; by doing such activities you’ll definitely get tired and it’ll help you to fall asleep because your body will demand rest naturally.

4. Consume your time: 

Everyone likes tea/coffee some people don’t but we all eat lunch. The time required to prepare tea/coffee or simply before heating up your lunch we all have 3-4 or 10 mins use that time for doing push ups meditation or plank position. Its also a part of physical activity it’ll help you to remove toxicity from your life and also will help you to sleep.

5. Cut out from social media:

Social media is a great invention connecting people around the world but it has also few disadvantages. People now a days prefer texting each other rather than talking face to face because texting isn’t a physical activity they don’t get tired and if you’ve noticed texting requires a lot of time because of that people are not able to take properly sleep. Cutting out yourself from cell phones, computers, social media will definitely help you. Rather than that talk to your friend’s family go for walk with them because walking is a physical activity which cover point 1, 2 and 3 and also, it’ll help you to build a communicating skill.

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  1. Can you share few things about depression how to deal with it ?

    1. Check out this article :)
